Club Name
Broomwood FC
About the Club
Broomwood FC is an FA Charter Standard youth football club founded in 1988 and registered charity and based in Wandsworth Common (South West London). BFC is the winner of the FA Charter Standard Club of the Year in 2017, Community Sport and Recreation Awards’ Overall Winner (UK Community Club of the Year) in 2016 and the 2015 Active Wandsworth Awards’ Sports Club of the Year.
As a registered Charity, Broomwood FC is required to publicly state our objectives and activities. The Charity has a mission to promote an inclusive sporting community for children, both boys and girls, and also for adults with our Mens & Ladies sections. The Charity has grown to be one of the largest of its type in the south of England, with over 1000 members, & seeks to continue to promote its mission throughout the community in the years ahead.